Monday, May 24, 2010

I am a starter in .NET. I want to learn C# from scratch, tell me a way?

First, it helps to get a background on the language. Inside C# by Tom Archer (Microsoft Press publishing) will give you a good background.

Next, you will need to get the compiler. You can either get the Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition (for free) from Microsoft's MSDN Website or, alternatively, you can get the .NET Framework SDK (which comes with the compilers) and use an alternate IDE, such as SharpDevelop.

The .NET Framework SDK comes with several pieces of sample code that demonstrate the various .NET APIs and technologies. Also, you can download the 101 Code Samples for C# from Microsoft's MSDN site.

When you have questions, you can visit the other community sites to post questions, look for user samples and articles, etc. I've include the links to all below:

I am a starter in .NET. I want to learn C# from scratch, tell me a way?
I did the same thing not long ago, and I'm coming along fairly nicely. One thing I would recommend is a site called CodeProject (see link below). LOTS of good stuff there from beginning to very advanced.

The books I got are:

Programming in the Key of C# - This is very good if you have never done any programming. It teaches some very basic concepts that most books just assume you already know.

Visual C# .NET 2003 Kick Start - This was an awesome book for me, as I already have done some programming and this goes through a LOT of topics with very good, short explanations. After reading this book, you can call yourself a C# programmer. Entry level, but a programmer.

TCP/IP Sockets in C# - This book has a narrow focus and will introduce you to just about everything you need to program internet apps.

Advanced .NET Remoting (C# Edition) - As the title implies, this is an advanced book. I have not gone very far with it :( but it does get very good reviews. What little I have read, it was explained very clearly. My problem here is that I don't have any need for remoting right now, so it doesn't interest me enough to learn it. Remoting is the evolution of COM/DCOM, and it's used for parallel processing with a network of computers. You might find it useful at some point, because this is where things are moving rapidly.

All of these are focused on Visual Studio .NET 2003. (I.e, .NET 1.1) I still can't afford 2005 (.NET 2.0), so if that's what you're using then I can't offer much help! Most of the info will still be valuable either way.

flamingo plant

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