Friday, July 31, 2009

Wich is a better to learn c++ or visual C++ and what is the differance?

and what would be a good compiler for a beginner

Wich is a better to learn c++ or visual C++ and what is the differance?
C++ is a 'standard' language; Visual C++ is a language that is designed by Microsoft and that's supposed to be the same as C++, only with some extensions to make better use of the capabilities of Windows --and that will make it incompatible with any other platform.

When you learn one of the two, learning the other isn't that hard anymore. Which one to choose depends on what platform you'll be programming for: Windows (= Visual C++) or any other platform (= C++).

One nice thing about Visual C++ is that you can use Visual Studio, an 'integrated development environment' (IDE) by Microsoft. Friend and foe usually agree it's pretty nice to work with. :-) See my source list below.

As someone else already wrote (sort of), the GNU gcc compiler is pretty much the standard for anyone who doesn't use Visual Studio. See also my source list.
Reply:c++ is a language, visual c++ is a windows application, that supposedly helps you write programs for windoze.

That's the difference.

If you want to write programs in c++ (which is quite a bad choice of language, if you ask me), you need to learn c++. If you want to write c++ programs using visual c++ (which is a much much much worse of a choice), you also need to learn visual c++.

As for a good compiler. Here is pretty much THE compiler :-)
Reply:C++ is much better, although visual c++ is object oriented programming, c++ is much ease of understanding.

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