Friday, July 31, 2009

What is the better to learn C# with .Net platform or C++?

What is easiest to learn? C#

very simple object oriented programming but requires .net framework on your target computer,

What is best to learn? C++

Write to windows or Independent OS Platform, code anything you want.

What is the better to learn C# with .Net platform or C++?
C# is much better environment to learn how to program in. C# use is high and going up. C++ has widespread use but is going down fast. Also C++ is much harder to learn. I would recommend C# for anyone who want to learn Windows programming.
Reply:The truth is that C++ will never die, so it is a good language to learn, and it is pretty much froozen meaning once you learn it thats it the language will not change.

With C# and the other .NET languages they are much easier to use and you can be more production with them.

So i would say learn C# because it is modern and you can develop real good systems really quickly
Reply:I have been writting programs for 30 years, so I have a bit of experience :D

If you are wanting to write programs for the internet then C#.

If you are wanting to write programs for smartphone or other "Devices" (more complicated applications) then C++.

C++ is much more powerful, C# is easier to learn.
Reply:I would go with the .NET platform if you are trying to learn C#.

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