Friday, July 31, 2009

How can i learn c++?

There are many ways to go about it.

One of the easiest and quickest would be to join a class or course on C++. Most computer institues offer one.

If you want to learn yourself, you could buy a book and practise. There are many books available on the market. C++ by Sumita Arora or C++ by Balaguruswamy are excellent books.

Just remember, what ever you learn, you should definitely practise either at home or school/college computer. Practise includes trying to write and compile and debug your own programs . writing and debugging on your own is the best way to learn any programming language.

For home use, many free c++ compilers are available on the internet. Just use google to find some.

Hope this helped.

How can i learn c++?
Your best bet is to buy a book, and sit down and try it. The Dummies Series and the 21 Days series are good... Don't be afraid to screw anything up. If you need help and its not in the book, Google it.

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